Back to Basics: Handling Outside Air (Decisions, Decisions)
When in mechanical cooling mode, air conditioning systems typically only have to deal with the most minimal outside air quantities needed to comply with building code ventilation requirements. But exceptions exist, and there are various reasons why an air conditioning system might have large amounts (50% or more) of outside air to contend with. Lots of outside air means that some things have to be handled differently, and other things should be given more careful consideration. Please note that I am not referring to times when the system operates in economizer mode…which involves using outdoor air when it is cool enough to do so to minimize mechanical cooling. That has become so routine, most designers don’t need a lot of reminders. Instead, there are things ranging from cooling load to acceptable temperature & humidity swing in the space to air filtration that take on new significance when a lot of outdoor air is involved. If you would like to know more, this link will take you to the relevant SoCal ASHRAE chapter newsletter: